Sunday, February 3, 2013

160 dollar cherries!? WTF!!!; Precce Supermarket, Roppongi

Yep, I couldn't believe it either.  That's 40 cherries, cherry picked from the rest (I couldn't help it but, I had to use that one); roughly 3 dollars and 75 cents per cherry (15,000 yen is about 160 dollars at the current exchange rate).

Remember that dialogue between John Travolta (Vincent Vega) and Uma Thurman (Mia Wallace) about that 5 dollar milkshake in Pulp Fiction?  Well, if not, here it is:

Vincent: Did you just order a five-dollar shake?
Mia: Sure did.
Vincent: A shake? Milk and ice cream?
Mia: Uh-huh.
Vincent: It costs five dollars?
Mia: Yep.
Vincent: You don't put bourbon in it or anything?
Waiter: Nope.
Vincent: Just checking. 

If my wife would have bought the cherries, the conversation would have been like this:

Me: Did you just buy some 160 dollar cherries?
Her: Sure did.
Me: Cherries? The fruits that are picked from trees?
Her: Uh-huh.
Me: They cost 160 dollars?
Her: Yep.
Me: They don't come with a 150-dollar gift certificate or anything?
Grocery Store Clerk: Nope.
Vincent: Just checking.


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